Monday, April 11, 2011


transparent symmetries abound
droplets push rings in water ponds
and ice fractures mosaic bonds

honesty wide open, deep down
cherry trees shooting for the sun
pushing through dirt, jagged roots spun

and the patterns cascade around
bumping, thrashing, sweeping by in
perfect clear tears by violin

there really isn't substance found
in this room of prisms and light
just empty shadows left to fight

nor any magic to propound
want kerchief colorful kerchief
abra kadabra, fill the rift

it's all been spent on common ground
two hands clasp mutual respect
two hearts find a way to connect

time for a fracturing of sound
click click click and i'm almost home
tar paths offered for those that roam

a break from feelings kept in frown
daisies, tall grasses, yes meadows
miniature picket-fenced chateaus

messy sadness pulls round and round
potholes, smog, everything new
piled in ashes wanted by few

can't understand the black dog gown
too tight to remove, suffocates
missing it, i'm allowed, love waits

the heart wants what the heart wants now
beautiful sun rays through arms wrapped
around this troubled soul untapped

and sensibilities are drowned
only wave beats talk pressure pot
da dum da dum da dum is sought


  1. Wow, you put a lot into this!So much wordplay, and "patterns" in your piece. I like best "the heart wants what the heart wants now". So true.

  2. It gets even better with re-reading. The mark of a fine poem.

  3. the beat..some great imagery the tears of a violin...the cherry word play...very well done.

  4. loved dancing along with these
    willowy words....or did they sweep
    me alongside as I skipped and twirled.
