Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Stars Are Unkind

the stars are unkind
life is emptiness
the stars are unkind

why this existance
filled with constant strife
life is emptiness

i want to trade life
for a beauty not
filled with constant strife

a soothing calm sought
by my soul right now
for a beauty not

filled with hurt anyhow
yet life's beauty is felt
by my soul right now

strife, emptiness melt
the stars are unkind
yet life's beauty is felt
the stars are unkind


  1. Makes me think of that quotation from Hamlet about the fault lying not with the stars but with ourselves, Horatio.

  2. i am glad even in the mdist you are able to recognize the beauty and find comfort there...

  3. Sending soothing light and love
    and praying comfort
    finds you where you ache.
