Friday, May 20, 2011

Have I Told You?

"Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul." ~ Henry Ward Beecher

Have I told you?
Have I told you about
the wonderful mother
I was blessed with?
I had her for the first
16 years of my life.

Have I told you?
Have I told you about
a friend's mother who
took me under her wing
shortly after and I had her
for the next 22 years of my life?

Have I told you?
Have I told you about
my best friend?
I've had her in my life
for 25 years now.

Have I told you?
Have I told you that while
I make a mess of my life,
I have angels that come
and drag me back up
each and every time
I throw myself on
the ground in defeat?

Have I told you?
Have I told you that
out of gratitude for my mother,
my best friend's mother,
my best friend, my angels
and all the other beautiful people
that choose to share
their life with me,
I am going to pick myself up
and march forward,
head high, heart strong,
and enjoy my life?

Well I guess I have told you now.


  1. yes you have...well just now...its cool to have such people in your touch lives...

  2. How very blessed we are to have had wonderful supportive people in our lives. Makes me want to be a better person to live up to their faith in me. Thanks for the reminder : )

  3. my heart jumps up
    and cheers wildly for
    along with all the women
    in your life
    who've loved you
    and are pulling for you
    in their own lovely ways!

  4. Surrounded by beautiful people...nothing beats that. Thanks for sharing. :)
